Apologetics, Theology
In the YouTube video titled “Why Doesn’t God Save Everybody?” from Wretched TV and Radio, Todd Friel engages with college students to answer their questions on salvation and the afterlife. Friel explains that the parameters to enter heaven are...
Apologetics, Theology
In the YouTube video “Why Did God Create The Tree of Good and Evil if He Knew Adam and Eve Would Eat From it?”, the speaker addresses the question of why God created the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil if He knew that Adam and Eve would eat from it....
The YouTube video “Who created God?” features John Lennox speaking at UCLA on the question of God’s existence. Lennox discusses the challenges faced by those who believe in a materialistic universe and highlights the Christian claim that God created...Apologetics
The YouTube video titled “A Girl Asks Frank Turek If She’s Going to Hell” by Frank Turek features a candid conversation between Frank Turek and a girl named Hannah. Hannah asks Turek if she’s going to Hell since she considers herself a good...
The YouTube video titled “The Question That Stops Christians in Their Tracks” by Greg Koukl discusses a challenging question often posed to Christians. Koukl refers to this question as “THE question” because it can leave Christians unsure of...